*Applications for 2024/25 are now closed*

MASS Sculpture Programmes launched in October 2021 at our new MASS HQ Studios at Thames-Side Studios, Woolwich, London, SE18 5NR. 

MASS HQ is in the heart of the largest single-site community of artists and creatives in London and in close proximity to the London Sculpture Workshop. We offer a number of on-site studio spaces and a flexible crit and talks space to enable us to build a sustainable community of peers and mentors.

In 2023/24 we have combined the Studio Programme and Off Site programme into ONE MASS Sculpture Programme to reflect the responses of participants on the programmes over the past two years. Participants will all follow one programme. Participants work in their own studio* and come to MASS HQ for talks, crits and seminar - with the option of taking a year-long space at MASS HQ see below.

*Participant Studios must be based in London, usually within Zone 1-3, however if you would like to take part and are outside of this area please email us to discuss.

MASS HQ is in the heart of the largest single-site community of artists and creatives in London and in close proximity to the London Sculpture Workshop. We offer a number of on-site studio spaces and a flexible crit and talks space to enable us to build a sustainable community of peers and mentors.


  • Monthly Artists Talks at MASS HQ

  • Regular 1-2-1 mentoring sessions in your own studio

  • Mentor-led group visits to your studio

  • 4 Seminar Points at MASS HQ or on location

  • MASS One Month Residency and Crit at MASS HQ *

  • Peer to peer interaction and networking with the MASS Sculpture Programme participants

  • Adhoc gallery visits, talks and extras during the year

  • Option to take a studio at MASS HQ

  • Large kiln access

  • Option to continue for a second year

The programme runs across a 10-month period.

*Residency Crits – each participant will be invited to take up residence at MASS HQ for one month to work alongside 2/3 other participants. You will give as much time as you are able to create work during this month and then invited to set up for a crit – you might be there every day – you might be there once a week – and just bring work to the space to assemble. It will be different for different artists. A mentor will visit once during the month, then two mentors – regular and visiting speaker – will crit the work inviting other participants to join the crit day to discuss the work.

Optional add-ons beyond the core programme (some with additional cost or subsidised cost implications):

  • Material introductory workshops at London Sculpture Workshop

  • Workshop time at London Sculpture Workshop

  • External artist and gallery visits

Address: MASS HQ, Thames-Side Studios, Unit 7, 18 Warspite Rd, Woolwich, London, SE18 5NR

Fees for 2024/25 are £3,000.

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.

STUDIO AT MASS HQ (optional)

Additionally to the MASS Sculpture Programme we also offer the opportunity for a limited number of participants to take a studio at MASS HQ. Studio spaces are approx 175 sq ft of personal use space and include easy access to a large Kiln (paying for electricity use only), a small work bench area, kitchen and lunch area. Wifi. Close proximity to LSW. Open Studios to encourage exchange of peer to peer mentoring

Fees for 2024/25 MASS studio are £3,000 (inclusive from September - mid August ). If you are interested in taking a studio at MASS HQ please include this in your application form.


“When I talk to people about participating in the MASS Studio Programme, one particular word always stands out. Energy! I was at a stage where my practice really needed energising. The guided mentoring from the programme leaders and guest artists in combination with the connection with both Studio and Off-Site artists on the programme has made me think about my practice in a different way. The location of the MASS hub and the facilities and links with the London Sculpture Workshop have made this the icing on the cake!”

– Carolyn Whittaker
(MASS Correspondence Course 2020/21, MASS Studio Programme 2021/22, MASS Off Site Programme 2022/23)

‘MASS Studio Programme is an intensive year of talks by an array of inspiring artists, mentoring sessions, challenging reviews, and peer support. It is run in a professional, structured and motivating way by artists for artists. During my time with MASS I have been able to develop my art practice, critical thinking and contextual knowledge alongside investigating new ideas and developing technical sculptural skills with London Sculpture Workshop nearby. Ultimately, MASS Studio Programme puts you in the driving seat for the professional artist you want to be, steering you towards your desired routes for future artistic journeys and adventures.’

–Alex Hegazy (MASS Studio Programme 2021/23)

MASS Studio Programme is led and delivered by the following core team:


Alice Wilson
Annie Cattrell
Kerry Stewart
Ana Genoves
Sophie Newell

Ian Dawson
Nicky Hirst
Marcus Harvey
Helen Hayward






What is MASS Sculpture Programme?

MASS Sculpture Programme is 10 month long programme of mentoring, talks, studio visits and crits aimed at Sculptors across London. Participants make work in and receive mentoring within their own studios. We encourage opportunities to forge connections with peers and visit each others studios as well as coming into MASS Hub (SE15 5NR) for crits and small group sessions.

Where does my studio need to be?

A participant’s studio should be within approximately 1 hour travel by public transport from the Central London (Usually within Zones 1-3), however, we welcome interest from slightly further away. If you are concerned about proximity please contact us before applying.

The studio space itself should be a dedicated studio space, easily accessible and large enough at least to host your mentor for one to one mentoring sessions. Ideally, it will be large enough to also host a small group of four peers and a mentor for group sessions.

If your studio is in a studio share and you don’t have sole occupancy you will need to make sure you can ‘book’ time with your mentor when the studio is quiet and not being used by others. If you have a studio in your home or in a garden studio please make sure it is large enough to host a mentor and ideally a small group of peers.

How is the course structured?

The course is led by the MASS programme leaders and is structured around a standard academic year format, starting in September and concluding the following June The structured mentoring aspect spans 33 weeks of the year with winter and spring breaks. Talks and mentoring happen on weekdays. With most talks and Seminars happening on a Friday.

Is there a workshop/technician?

There are no workshops or technicians at MASS Hub. Individuals are required to provide their own materials, and tools to enable them to make work. London Sculpture Workshop is on site at Thamesside Studios and we have a subsided membership with them to enable both technical support and experimentation.

Can I work part-time and still do the course?

We recognise most artists will also have work or family responsibilities, however, we generally recommend our participants to be working in their studios at least 3 days per week. Undertaking the programme is a commitment that shouldn’t be underestimated and we discuss how best to get the most out of the programme with all shortlisted applicants at interview.

How long is the course?

The MASS Studio Programme is one academic year, running from September until June with an option to continue for a further year.

How do I apply for a second year?

We start to discuss second-year places on an individual basis just after the winter break in February. Second-year places will then be confirmed before we start an interview for new first-year places.

How many times will I see my mentors?

You will see your regular mentors at least six times across the year, as well as opportunities to meet visiting artists and guest mentors during crits and group sessions.

Who are the mentors?

The mentors are all practising artists at different stages of their career, with their own interests and ideas about sculpture. We publish a list of current mentors across all programmes on our website.

Can I select my mentor?

No, we look at the cohort each year and select mentors on a case by case basis. However, sometimes an artist will have already worked with a mentor previously in another institution and in this case, we will take this into account.

Will I only see one mentor? 

Participants are allocated two mentors.  We also bring in a range of visiting speakers and artists who provide additional mentoring opportunities during Crits and Group Sessions as well as input from MASS Programme Leaders, Ian Dawson and Nicky Hirst and Turps Director Marcus Harvey.

Can I request to see my mentor at other times?

The mentors are timetabled for a specific number of visits per year. You and your mentor will be given a window of around a week to arrange your studio visit. If you are unable to see your mentor for unforeseen and unavoidable reasons on a specific day we will do our best to arrange a replacement session with another mentor or with the programme leader. 

Where will I see my mentor?

Your mentor will visit you in your studio, they will also conduct group sessions that may take place in the studios of other participants on the programme and lead small group sessions at MASS Hub.

What will happen if Covid returns in the Winter of 2023?

We have now run almost a year of programmes through the pandemic and we have developed a range of different approaches depending on the different levels or tiers of restrictions.

Our main aim is to continue to provide a structured year of mentoring to support your practice and connect you with a group of peers who will also support your progress and each others.

During the Pandemic, we have done this by conducting one to one mentoring live when restrictions allow and moving mentoring quickly and effectively online when necessary. We have worked with participants to ensure their studios are Covid Safe for visits when restrictions allow. We have adapted the mentoring sessions to enable the best possible online experience that is still relevant to your practice including discussions around how to photograph and present work in this new format. We have broken down group sessions into smaller groups and utilised Turps Gallery where social distancing is more possible than some individual studios. We are also innovating online forums and platforms to provide extra content and new approaches to discussing work. Including regular talks and meetups as larger groups online and smaller crit groups modelled on our very successful Correspondence Course. One of the greatest benefits of the Off-Site programme has been that participants studios are usually close to home and within walking or cycling distance, and so have been able to continue to make work and develop their practice. We will discuss all these adaptations and how and when they would be relevant to you if you are shortlisted for an interview.

Is there an end of year exhibition?

In previous years we have always tried to present a celebration show of works by leaving artist. Most recently this has taken place during the Summer transition between academic years and the leaving participants very much take an active role in how the show happens, from designing invitation cards to hosting the opening event and invigilating the space.

What are the fees?

£3000 for 2024/25..

How do I apply?

Please use our online application form accessible while the applications are open. Find out how to apply here.

Do I need to have a degree or relevant qualification?

Some experience in art education is desirable. Many artists apply to Turps/MASS having completed a first or masters degree in fine art, however, we also accept applications from artists who have arrived at their practice from a less conventional path, or via a different degree or career. What is key is an active and dedicated engagement with their practice and an understanding of contemporary discourse around sculpture.

Is the course accredited?

No. MASS Sculpture Programme is not an accredited qualification. We are an independent, not for profit organisation offering practice-based development programmes to practising artists.

Can I apply for funding for this course?  Will I be eligible for a student discount?

We are happy to support any funding application. Usually, this will be a letter of support or a letter confirming that you have been accepted onto the course. As MASS is unaccredited, you will not be classified as a student however professional development grants are sometimes available. In general, participants are also not eligible for any student discounts.  However, we do from time to time develop agreements with some materials suppliers.

Do you accept applications from overseas artists?

Yes. We regularly receive and accept applicants from overseas. However we are unable to sponsor Education Visa’s. If you have a concern about Visas and being able to study on the programme please contact us before applying.

English is not my first language, can I still apply?

The programme is delivered in English.

How can I find out more information?

We will be holding more open days online and in person during the year, if you would like to register for more information please send your name, email and telephone details to 




Application Deadline: Sunday 14th April 2024 (midnight)

How to apply and fees

Application is made annually by completing the online application form below. Applications and application fee must be received before the application deadline. Applications are then reviewed and successful applicants will be shortlisted for interview. Applicants can expect to hear about the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of the deadline. Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to interview.

Application Fee is £10. Click here to pay.

Fees for 2024/25 are £3,000 (additional £3,000 for an optional MASS Studio).

Application Deadline: Sunday 14th April 2024 (midnight).